
Breaking Down Why erpCommerce is Necessary for Business

Posted by Pixafy Team

ERP and eCommerce systems are two distinct business tools that need to be integrated to provide the most benefit to a business. Separately, both systems are widely accepted for being cost-effective solutions for operating and organizing a business. Flexible eCommerce software allows businesses to take control over designing an online store and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) platforms allow companies to “manage and integrate the important parts of their businesses,” according to Investopedia.

Together, ERP + eCommerce makes the Pixafy erpCommerce™ solution; a fully integrated system that allows backend data to work with nearly every other business operation for better information management. While awareness of the benefits of our erpCommerce for business is slowly but surely growing, it might be a nice refresher to break down how necessary integration of these two distinct systems is for modern businesses.

Integration is Key

Integration of these two systems allows them to share vital information between back-of-house and customer-facing operations with minimal human input. Data coordination is crucial for streamlining eCommerce operations, and ultimately turning a larger profit.

Even though integration is a complex process, it doesn’t have to be overwhelming. Some of the best practices for ERP and eCommerce integration are as simple as having a plan in place and keeping an extra copy of data available prior to implementation.

Allowing a backend system to share data with an eCommerce platform not only benefits business operations, it’s used to enhance the customer experience. eCommerce represented 14.3% of total retail sales in 2018, according to Digital Commerce 360. Having a website where consumers are viewing accurate information and receive the right order on time not only increases a business’s online presence, it can increase sales and create a positive brand reputation.

The benefits of ERP + eCommerce integration

While the listed benefits of ERP and eCommerce integration can be endless and differ between specific businesses, ERP Focus highlighted three of the overarching advantages that any organization can experience from a successful integration of their two platforms.

1. Eliminates data redundancy

Receiving real-time updates on data inventory and other essential back-of-house information is important for delivering clients the correct products and keeping stock up-to-date. When eCommerce and ERP systems stand alone, the movement of this common data can only occur after traveling through multiple process iterations.

Once integrated, the data jam is mostly eliminated because the two systems can seamlessly share information. This also reduces the chance of data becoming lost, misplaced or duplicated – all of which can seriously impede day-to-day operations as well as being a financial drain.

2. Streamlines inventory

When ERP and eCommerce software is integrated, they can directly synchronize and streamline the product management loop. After a consumer makes a purchase, the main warehouse, distribution hub and final POS all receive accurate, real-time information on the order. This minimizes the need for tedious inventory management methods, as product inventories can be viewed at a moment’s notice.

Businesses can not only reflect this information on their website so consumers can be aware of what’s in stock, but it allows for cost-effective ordering and storage methods to be easily implemented.

3. Enhances revenue growth recognition

Again, it all comes down to being able to retrieve seamless updates instantaneously from back-office and front-end procedures. With integration, receipts can be analyzed in real-time to get a better understanding of revenue business intelligence. Any cost variances can be better managed throughout the entire enterprise.

Ultimately, integrating ERP and eCommerce systems doesn’t only result in a smooth transition of information for a business. With accurate, live information, a business can make better decisions that can positively affect their bottom line. Improved inventory management and data analytics improve productivity and effectively monitor resources so the business is operating at its most efficient level.

Trust the experts at Pixafy

If your business is ready to reap the rewards of our erpCommerce™ solution, contact us today to get started. From planning and designing to implementing integration, our experts are here to guide and support you throughout the entire process.