
Programming in PHP

Posted by Pixafy Team

My journey with PHP began almost two-and-a-half years ago.  After programming mainly in Java for three years, I decided to switch over to PHP.  I did this both to make myself more marketable and to do something interesting.  During my time with this language, I have come to favor it more and more over Java, which was the first programming language I ever learned.

One of the main aspects I love about PHP is the how “loose” it is.  Coming from Java, where Strong typing reigned supreme, typing

“$arr = array()”

instead of

“<type>[]array =  new <type>[<length>]”

was a welcome change for me. Though I understand there are some pitfalls with loose typing, I still prefer it.

Going back to the “loose” aspect of PHP I love so much, we have default parameters and variable functions.  These two features have augmented my programming skills substantially. They’ve completely changed the way I approach coding a feature or task.

For example, before being introduced to default parameters, my noobish self would write code like this:

function  fooA($arg1, $arg2)


//Logic dealing with $arg1, $arg2


Me: Wait, there’s also a third argument that might be needed!  I know!  I’ll just copy the logic from my first function and add in logic for the third argument!  GENIUS!

function  fooB($arg1, $arg2, $arg3)


//Logic dealing with $arg1, $arg2

//New new logic for $arg3


Me: *pats self on back*

I would then proceed to call fooA when I only had two arguments and then fooB when I had the third argument.

Needless to say, the DRY principle was a foreign concept to me at the time. After being introduced to default parameters, my code now looks like this:

function  fooA($arg1, $arg2)


//Logic dealing with $arg1, $arg2


Me: Wait, there’s also a third argument that might be needed! I know! I’ll set the the thirdargument with a default parameter and add to my function logic for the thirdargument should a value be passed! GENIUS!

function fooA($arg1, $arg2, $arg3 = <default value here>)


//Logic dealing with $arg1, $arg2

If(//Condition for $arg3)


// Logic for $arg3



Me: *slaps self on back*

Using default parameters has opened me to a new way of thinking when I write my code.  However, I’ve also learned not to go too crazy with default parameters, or else I’d end up with functions like this:

Function foo($arg1, $arg2, $arg3 = <default value> , $arg4 = <default value>, $arg5 = <default value>) and so forth.

One thing I’ve thought about doing to circumvent this is to make one default parameter an array, which would contain any extra arguments I may need.

I’ve recently begun to use variable functions and cannot imagine how I coded without them.  Before using variable functions, I would write code like this (written in code igniter framework):

function addData($data)






function updateData($data)




$this->db->update(data, “table”);


Now using variable functions I’m able to condense these two functions into one:

function processData($data, $func)



If($func = = “update”)




$this->$func ($data);



By passing in the function to be used, I was able to condense the code use considerably.

As I continue to work more and more with PHP, I am excited for the opportunity to learn new tricks like the ones I’ve discussed here.

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