
Transitioning from small-scale to larger-scale projects

Posted by Pixafy Team

A front-end developer can run into many obstacles when transitioning from small-scale to larger-scale projects.  Some are small and easy to overcome, while others will try to change the very fabric of your mind.  One important obstacle is writing code that can be lightweight, dynamic, and works gracefully for a Windows user trying to convert to Mac.

Here are two quick tips to make the transition a little bit easier:

1. Avoid giving every element a definite height.  I can guarantee that 11 out of 10 times your code will break. When you work for a company that entrusts design to a partner and content to the client, you don’t usually have control over the content that goes into the site.  This is especially true once the client starts to take control of the updating themselves.  So even if the designs you are given have a definite height on them, always code your page to be as fluid as possible.  Try using min-height rather than height in your CSS; that way you can easily avoid background issues on your page.

2. Utilize reusable or global class names.  You may be using a custom font on a project or using a specific styling throughout several pages.  By using a global class name and adding that class to the element rather than repeating the styling for each element that needs it, you will reduce clutter in your CSS file and reduce your CSS file size.  This step has the benefit of reducing the number of places you have to edit on the CSS file if a change needs to be made.  This is very important on time-based projects where you don’t have much time to make changes.

These are two quick tips to helping you transition from small-scale to larger-scale projects.  These tips may appear to address minor issues, but on large projects minor issues that appear repeatedly quickly grow into big issues.  So remember – keep your code as dynamic and fluid as possible, and you’ll be fine.

What are some other tips for an easier transition from small to larger-scale projects? Share your thoughts below or tweet us @Pixafy