Client spotlight

Stay safe in the sun with Mott 50

Posted by Pixafy Team

It’s summertime, and that means vacations, travel and spending time in the outdoors.  But as enjoyable as it can be soaking up some rays, it can also be damaging. Even if you put sunscreen on, did you know that you can still be exposed to damaging UV rays since they penetrate your clothing?

The team at Mott 50 saw an opportunity to create fashionable clothing that also includes sun protection, building a certified Ultraviolet Protection Factor into each garment.  This means your clothing now protects you as well, ensuring you stay safe from harmful UV rays while enjoying yourself.

We’ve been working with Mott 50 since the beginning, and we’re happy to call them a client.  You’ll be happy too once you’ve treated yourself to some sun protective fashion.  Check out their line by clicking here.