Client spotlight

TopDog invites you to a food fight

Posted by Pixafy Team

Top Dog Food Fight

Social media has certainly transformed the Internet, and sites are increasingly calling on the power of social to introduce some really cool websites. But one of the most intriguing, and most fun for us, is the recently launched TopDog. The site presents a series of competitions, each with prizes to the winner, and takes the standard concept of voting for your favorites to a whole new level.

For Thanksgiving, the site has launched a “Food Fight” competition, where people can submit and boost their kitchen creativity for the chance to win a $500 Whole Foods gift card. Users can upload a photo of their most delicious dish, and other users of the site are able to vote for that dish by boosting it, and a leaderboard shows how you’re doing amongst friends and the Internet at large.

The Thanksgiving competition runs through Dec. 12, 2012, but don’t worry if you don’t make it in time – TopDog launches new competitions regularly!

Pixafy has enjoyed developing the technology for TopDog with their team, integrating Facebook social features and creating a platform that allows for easy rollouts of new competitions. We encourage you to participate by submitting your photo and boosting others by visiting TopDog!